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P2P Raises Fee at Polkadot while Continuing to increase sustainability

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P2P Validator has been supporting the Polkadot network from day one, providing high-quality validation services for DOT nominators. Our developed products allow nominators to easily manage investments and receive a detailed report on their staking income.

We invest in the development of the Polkadot network and see long-term prospects, however, the costs of maintaining the infrastructure and product development are  higher than the revenues that the validator currently receives. We have decided to set a commission of 1% starting from 5 September 2022 to remain flexible and provide more sustainable services.

What have we done?

We did not stop the development activity in the Polkadot network and put in more than eight months of hard work for a reduced fee. Here is a list of the most significant achievements that we have released for the Polkadot ecosystem:

  1. Snapshot service for everyone who is running their own validators.
  2. Substrate node. Compact set of terraform and ansible roles for deploying substrate-based node
  3. Received and released a grant from WEB3 Foundation for a Multi Blockchain ETL solution for blockchains with an API for the collected data. We proceed to support the infrastructure for the MBELT, spending thousands of dollars every month.
  4. Five articles and users guides posted.
  5. P2P Dashboard for Polkadot users:

Product development inside the ecosystem is an essential element not only to support the Polkadot network but also as a part of the long-term growth of the community and the network value.

When will the commission be increased?

We will increase the commission to 1% starting September 5, 2022. There is a lot of work ahead, and we believe that joint efforts will accelerate the evolution of the Polkadot network.

We want to thank all our nominators for their continuous support and for being with us!

Special offer for 20,000+ DOT holders

If you stake 20,000+ DOT, you can benefit from staking with P2P rebalancing service. Our optimized staking strategy provides up to 20% higher rewards than the network average. Our clients currently benefit from a 15% APR vs 13.8% net

P2P plans of further developments

While staying a reliable and affordable validator, P2P team plans to design and release block finalization community exporter to share our findings in tracking validator performance. We are committed to success of the Polkadot Network in the long term and hope that you can embark on this journey with us.

If you would like to know more about our offer for Polkadot please visit: https://p2p.org/networks/polkadot

If you have any questions, feel free to join our Telegram chat, we are always open for communication.

About P2P Validator

P2P Validator is a world-leading staking provider with the best industry security  practices and proven expertise. We provide comprehensive due-diligence of digital assets and offer only high class staking opportunities. At the time of the latest update, more than 1.5 billion USD value is staked with P2P Validator by over 25,000 delegators across 40+ networks.

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