The Graph Network is an indexing protocol built for the decentralised web. Users of the Graph Network can build and share open APIs across Ethereum and IPFS to allow for fast and reliable blockchain data access. Data is managed and processed via open networks, providing users with verifiable integrity.
The Graph Network was introduced in July 2018 and launched their mainnet this year, on December 17th, as the first decentralized blockchain data network.
The Graph Network works to improve access to decentralized applications through public and open APIs named subgraphs. Subgraphs dictate which data the network will index from Ethereum, as well as how this data is stored. Upon deployment, a subgraph forms part of a global blockchain data network.
During their testnet phase, Graph saw over 200 active indexers, together with more than 1600 individuals, complete their Curator Program for decentralising data across DeFi.
Between June and November 2020 they have seen a 10x increase - from 1 to 10+ billion monthly queries - with usage across Curve, Uniswap, Decentraland and more.
In October 2020, Graph Foundation announced a public sale of GRT and successfully raised $12M. Earlier this year the Graph Foundation raised $5M in a private token sale.
The details of the GRT token can be found below:
More information on the GRT token sale is available here:
4% of the total GRT supply - 400M tokens - was allocated to 4,500+ persons across more than 90 countries. These delegators can contribute to the Graph Network through delegating their stake to network Indexers - like P2P - to earn indexing rewards.
Staking in the Graph Network is a method of securing their data network and rewarding network contributions.
Node operators across the network can lock their GRT tokens to provide indexing and query processing services for improved data access. These node operators - also known as ‘Indexers’ can earn fees and indexer rewards for this.
Delegators across the network are those who hold the GRT token can stake it to contribute to the overall network security and receive a share of indexer rewards.
Delegation lets passive, less technical participants secure the Graph Network without the need to run a node.Indexers - like P2P - set a Fee and Reward Percentage which they keep, with the rest of the rewards transferring to Delegators. The annual emission in The Graph network is set to 3%.
There is no slashing risk for delegators but the current Indexer slashing percentage is at 2.5%.
P2P Validator currently has the largest Graph Network Indexer globally, with a 33M GRT balance and 530M GRT capacity. Our Indexer balances are available on
Address 1: 0x5A8904be09625965d9AEc4BFfD30D853438a053e (0x5a89—8a053e)
Address 2: 0xf4a097ce3a4efbd1748b2ef2076813961e4e6fa7 (0xf4a0—4e6fa7)
Users that want to contribute to the stability and security of the Graph Network without the complexities associated with node management can delegate staking to Indexers and earn a portion of on-chain indexing reward.
To delegate GRT with us, please refer to the resources below:
We are proud to have launched the largest @graphprotocol Indexer and self-bond worldwide with an owned stake of 33.4M GRT and 500M GRT available capacity.
— P2P Validator (@P2Pvalidator) December 22, 2020
See our GRT delegation guide 👉
P2P Validator is a world-leading non-custodial staking provider securing more than $3 billion by over 10,000 delegators across 25+ high-class networks. We have participated in the incentivized testnet since the beginning. P2P Validator invested its own funds in The Graph project in 2018 and intends to run indexers in the long term.
<p>This step-by-step guide will help you to claim your MPOND received during FlowMint stakedrop.</p><p>In order to claim MPOND, you need to follow simple steps below.</p><ol><li>Connect to Metamask on <a href=""></a></li></ol><blockquote><em>Please ensure that you have switched your Network to Matic’s custom RPC in Metamask settings and connected the address that you have set up during registration.</em></blockquote><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy" width="2000" height="1096" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 2400w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>2. Press the “<em>Dive In”</em> button and select the network.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>3. Harvest your MPOND on the page of the selected network.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>4. Confirm the transaction in Metamask.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p><strong>Prerequisite: </strong>You need to have MATIC tokens on the Matic mainnet, otherwise, the transaction will fail. </p><p>To transfer the MATIC tokens from the Ethereum mainnet to the Matic mainnet follow this <a href="">instruction</a>.</p><blockquote><em>If you are having trouble with MATIC transfer or MPOND harvesting do not hesitate to ask questions in our <a href="">Telegram chat</a> or contact Paul via [email protected]. We will be happy to help.</em></blockquote><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>After a successful transaction, refresh the FlowMint page and you will see the MPOND on your balance.</p><h3 id="about-p2p-validator">About P2P Validator</h3><p>P2P Validator is a world-leading non-custodial staking provider securing more than $3 billion from over 10,000 delegators across 25+ high-class networks. We are constantly working on improvements to bring our customers the best proposals. All delegators staking DOT, ATOM, IRIS with P2P Validator have the opportunity to participate in the Marlin network and acquire Marlin tokens.</p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Web:</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong><a href=""></a></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Twitter:</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong><a href=""> @p2pvalidator</a></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Telegram:</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong><a href=""></a></p>
from p2p validator
<p><em>If you have participated in private sale of GRT and received email from The Graph team with a vesting contract address this guide will help you to delegate locked tokens.</em></p><ol><li>Go to<a href=""> </a><a href=""></a></li><li>Press on a “<em>browser +</em>” symbol</li></ol><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>3. Add a name <em>TokenLock.abi</em></p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>4. In a separate browser tab open: <a href=""></a><br>Copy the whole code and paste it in the <em>TokenLock.abi</em> that you have created in the previous step</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>5. Press on a <em>Deploy & Run a Transaction</em> button</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>6. In the <em>Environment</em> drop-down field select <em>Injected Web3. </em>It should cause automatic connection to MetaMask extension</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>7. Paste vesting contract address from email that was sent by The Graph team. Press <em>At Address</em></p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>8. Click on a <em>Deploy Contract arrow</em> to expand the drop-down menu</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>9. Click on <em>currentBalance</em> to check if it matches with the one from the email. If balance is correct press <em>approveProtocol. </em><strong><em>C</em>onfirm the transaction</strong></p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>10. Copy the balance to proceed with delegation</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>11. Press on the <em>Delegate</em> <em>arrow</em> to expand the section</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>12. Paste the balance you copied to the <em>tokens </em>field. <strong>P2P has two indexers</strong> available for delegation:<br><br><strong>a) </strong>Indexer address: <strong>0x5a8904be09625965d9aec4bffd30d853438a053e</strong><br>Max capacity:<strong> 533M GRT</strong><br>Fee:<strong> 8% </strong><br><br><strong>b)</strong> Indexer address: <strong>0xf4a097ce3a4efbd1748b2ef2076813961e4e6fa7</strong><br>Max capacity:<strong> 17M GRT</strong><br>Fee:<strong> 8%</strong></p><p>Paste the chosen indexer address in the <em>indexer </em>field and press <em>transact </em>button. Confirm the transaction. You will be required to pay 0,5% GRT deposit tax</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt loading="lazy"></figure><p>Rewards are automatically added to staked deposit and paid when indexer closes allocation. There is no slashing for delegators. Unbonding period lasts 28 days.</p><hr><p><em>If you have any questions, contact @Aleksei_W in Telegram or via email [email protected]</em></p><hr><h2 id="about-p2p-validator">About P2P Validator</h2><p>P2P Validator is a world-leading staking provider with the best industry security practices and proven expertise. We provide comprehensive due-diligence of digital assets and offer only top-notch staking opportunities. At the time of the latest update, more than 3 billion of USD value is staked with P2P Validator by over 10,000 delegators across 25+ networks. We are early The Graph investors who participated in testnet from the day one with a goal to provide long term support for the ecosystem. We operate the biggest indexer globally with highest own stake of 33M GRT and available capacity of > 500M GRT making it ideal choice for large GRT holders.</p><hr><ul><li><strong>Web:</strong><a href=""></a></li><li><strong>Twitter:</strong><a href=""> @p2pvalidator</a></li><li><strong>Telegram:</strong><a href=""><strong> </strong></a></li></ul>
from p2p validator