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KYVE is a Cosmos chain that secures a decentralised data lake. KYVE data pools provide a trustless and reliable access to both on and off-chain data, enabling easy access to it for developers.


Reward Frequencyevery 6 sec.

1 KYVE0.01206387 USD

Unbonding period21 days

P2P fee10%

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Top-3 world AAA-rated staking provider

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Staking rewards

Verified Staking Provider

Calculate your staking rewards

$ 362
Annualized reward21.43%
All numbers provided should be considered approximate calculations of possible performance
  • Daily earnings13.84 KYVE$ 0
  • Monthly earnings420.94 KYVE$ 5
  • Yearly earnings5,051.27 KYVE$ 61

Staking tools for your Web3 business


24/7 Support

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realtime dashboards

Special offers for institutional clients

Flexible terms and extra attention to your business needs

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Custom reporting

Get flexible reports on your stake & revenue

rebalancing service

Institutional-grade infrastructure

Robust validator infrastructure supported by a team of blockchain experts

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Frequently Asked Questions

KYVE is a Cosmos chain that secures a decentralised data lake. KYVE data pools provide a trustless and reliable access to both on and off-chain data, enabling easy access to it for developers.

KYVE is a data-focused project that accumulates a wide array of information, with a mission to facilitate building in web3.

The unbonding period for KYVE is 21 days.

Yes, there are penalties for double-signing and long periods of validator downtime. However, P2P provides a robust solution and never had any slashing in KYVE.

Why P2P?

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Long-term Cosmos alignment

P2P is a long-term supporter and contributor to the Cosmos ecosystem. Our decisions and policies are focused on maintaining the project's growth. By staking with us you support a long-term commitment to KYVE and Cosmos and facilitate its future development.

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A team of blockchain experts

Our engineers have deep knowledge of every blockchain they work with. We are always in touch with the community to be up-to-date with all the latest developments. The team is ready to solve any issues 24/7 and is always focused on providing a secure and reliable service for our clients.

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