Vara Staking Guide

This guide outlines the steps to create a Vara Account and stake your assets in Vara. Contact us for those holding over 1M VARA to learn about special staking conditions.

Create Vara account

To create a Vara account, use popular substrate-based wallets such as SubWallet, Talisman, or the Polkadot.js browser extension. For secure storage, consider Polkadot Vault. Note that Ledger support is not yet available. Being Substrate-based, Vara supports any keypair compatible with sr25519.

Remember, your seed phrase is crucial for account access. If lost, you can restore your account with it, but if someone else gets it, they can access it. Store your seed securely on encrypted hard drives, non-digital devices, or ideally on paper, and protect it from physical damage. Never store it on an internet-connected device.

Staking Vara

Here's how to stake Vara tokens via the user-friendly staking dashboard at Alternative methods include the Polkadot js portal and wallets like SubWallet.

  1. On the dashboard at, locate and click on the Nominate tab, then select Start Nominating. Before proceeding, check the minimum stake required for rewards in the dashboard's upper right corner to be eligible to earn rewards.

2. Choose how you'd like to receive staking rewards:

  • Compound: Automatically send your rewards into staking.
  • To Your Account: Transfer rewards directly to your account.

Choose your preference and click Continue.

3. In the next step, select validators:

💡 validators are: kGjHi4aF1zDb2JT48MvbnewABfaNALErUmE37MA4mz3TPNDow kGihcNQrRgRLYuQDRJz8wdWNAi2ZXY47ythXqNn7xZJWXFsHU kGj8KXh6hsXu9qVK5ZbPsuuzp9dhRoGph5TkgMr7RfMVY4GLM kGiaJX7Q9BqL1paxJQ46Xg6XzSHKKsYThafPM3NL1VvtjXymT

4. Finally, input the amount you wish to stake and confirm by clicking Start nominating.

Staking will become active in the next 12-24 hours. You can monitor the status and effectiveness of your nominations from the same Nominate tab.

Staking Vara via nomination pool

Vara offers a nomination pool system for smaller token holders, allowing you to earn rewards with a stake as small as 1 VARA.

In this guide, we will follow you on the steps to stake your Vara tokens using the most user-friendly way via the staking dashboard at There are alternative ways to stake via Polkadot js portal and wallets (for example, SubWallet).

1. Click on Join on the Pools tab on the dashboard.

2. Choose an active pool from the list to ensure you're eligible for rewards.

3. Enter the amount you wish to stake in the selected pool and confirm by clicking Submit.

Pool staking rewards are not claimed automatically. It would be best if you claimed them periodically.

Like direct staking, pool staking will be operational within 12-24 hours, and you can track the progress in the Pools tab.

All credits for used materials belong to Vara Network; please refer to the official guide on how to create an account and guide for staking for more detailed information.

About P2P Validator

P2P Validator is a world-leading non-custodial staking provider, securing over $2 billion by over 10,000 delegators/nominators across 25+ high-class networks.

Do not hesitate to ask questions in our Telegram chat or contact Alex via We are always open for communication.


Stake DOT with us:

Twitter: @p2pvalidator
