P2P Raises Fee at Cosmos While Continuing to Invest More Than Earnings

P2P Validator has been supporting Cosmos network from day one, providing high-quality validation services for ATOM delegators. Our developed products allow delegators to easily manage investments and receive a detailed report on their staking income.

We invest in the development of Cosmos network and see the long-term prospects, however, the costs of maintaining the infrastructure and product development are several times higher than the revenues that the validator receives currently. We have decided to return to a commission of 8% in 21 days to remain flexible and provide more sustainable services.

What have we done?

For more than 5 months of hard work under a reduced fee, we did not stop the development activity in the Cosmos network. Here is a list of the most significant achievements that have been released for the Cosmos ecosystem:

P2P Dashboard for Cosmos users:

  • Track and predict user rewards (more correctly than major explorers, check out our article)
  • Ledger delegation, redelegation, claim of rewards
  • Rewards report for all Cosmos Hubs (1,2,3)
  • CSV reward report
  1. 9 articles and users guides posted
  2. Visualization of IBC handshakes for the Game of Zones
  3. Documentation and dashboards for Game of Zones
  4. Affiliate API for Cosmos wallet monetization
  5. We financially supported Corestar team, who developed Arcade, Tendermint hack with built-in BLS random beacon built on ICF grant
  6. Ongoing work on public rate-limited GraphQL API for Cosmos applications

Product development inside the ecosystem is an essential element not only to support the Cosmos network, but also as a part of the long-term growth of the community and the network value.

When will the commission be increased?

We will increase the commission by 1% every day, starting from June 12. On June 18, our rate will remain at 8%. There is a lot of work ahead and we believe that joint efforts will accelerate the evolution of Cosmos network.

We want to thank all our delegators for their continuous support and being with us! If you stake ATOM with P2P - you contribute to the Cosmos ecosystem.

About P2P Validator

P2P Validator is a world-leading non-custodial staking provider with the best industry practices and proven expertise. We provide comprehensive due-diligence of digital assets and offer only top-notch staking opportunities securing more than 3 billion of USD value. At the time of publishing, P2P Validator is trusted by over 10,000 delegators across 25+ networks.

Want to stake with us? Alexey will be happy to help. Contact am@p2p.org to get personal assistance.

P2P Validator provides secure non-custodial staking. Subscribe to our channels and stay tuned for updates and new blog posts.

Stake ATOM with us: https://p2p.org/cosmos

Web: https://p2p.org

Twitter: @p2pvalidator

Telegram chat: https://t.me/P2Pstaking

Telegram announcement: https://t.me/p2porg