Oasis Staking Guide: Stake Oasis (ROSE) with Ledger

In this article we will walk you through how to delegate ROSE tokens with a Ledger using Chorus One’s Anthem platform. Anthem enables ROSE holders to transfer and delegate their tokens to earn staking rewards up to 15% APY.

Before you start:

  • Download and install the newest version of Ledger Live on your desktop.
  • Install the latest version of the Oasis App on your Ledger device.

Step 1: Sign in to Anthem using Ledger

After setting up your Ledger and installing the latest Oasis App, go to Anthem platform. Click the "Connect" button in front of the Oasis network and select the "Sign in with Ledger" option.

Plug in and unlock your Ledger device. Open the Oasis app and click ‘Connect’.

After successfully connecting your Ledger you will be able to see your account information on the dashboard.

Step 2: Stake your ROSE tokens

We are now ready to stake! Check the available balance on the right side of the dashboard and click “Stake”.

You will need to have a minimum of 100 ROSE in order to stake

Select P2P Validator from the list of validators. Enter the amount you want to stake and click “Generate My Transaction”.

Click "Sign Transaction" and approve the transaction on your Ledger device. Once confirmed on your ledger it will take a few minutes to confirm your transaction and once it’s done you will see the following message: “Congratulations! You are now a staker of ROSE.”

Oasis (ROSE) Staking FAQ:

  • The current ROSE staking APY is approximately 15% per year.
  • Rewards are added up to the staked amount every epoch and can be claimed manually by initiating unbonding.
  • The Oasis network has a 14 day unstaking period throughout which your tokens will not be transferable.
  • You need to have some funds remaining on your account while staking to ensure you can cover transaction fees.

Oasis protocol is a decentralized privacy-preserving platform for cloud computing that allows safe data sharing and ownership enabling computationally complex applications. For more information on Oasis and staking ROSE, refer to our Oasis (ROSE) Network Overview.

For support related inquiries, please visit our Oasis (ROSE) Staking FAQ or contact our team via the chat function.

Useful Oasis resources

Website: https://www.oasislabs.com/

Github: https://github.com/oasislabs

Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/grdq39h

Non-tech paper: https://docsend.com/view/5uuhcj3

Blog: https://www.oasislabs.com/blog

Oasis Network explorer: https://oasisscan.com

Want to stake Oasis with us? Paul will be happy to help. Contact p.pavlov@p2p.org to get personal assistance.

About P2P Validator

P2P Validator is a world-leading non-custodial staking provider securing more than 3 billion USD value from over 10,000 delegators across 25+ high-class networks. P2P Validator invested its own funds in Oasis and intends to support the network in the long term. Our team has close connections with the Oasis team and we have participated in the incentivized testnet since the beginning.

Web: https://p2p.org/

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/p2p-org

Twitter: @p2pvalidator

Telegram: https://t.me/p2pvalidator