How to stake KAVA tokens using kvcli

Staking will be available after a successful launch of Kava blockchain on mainnet. To use this guide you should have an existing account with KAVA tokens and connection to the node.


  • Go 1.13+
  • Make
  • Ubuntu 18.04

1) First you have to download Make and Go

-Download Make and other packets:

sudo apt install build-essential

-Download Go:


sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

mkdir -p ~/go/{bin,src,pkg}

For correct work of Go you will need to define environment variables

Execute following commands by rotation:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

export GOPATH=$HOME/go

export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin


For convenience add these strings to the current user profile. In Ubuntu it is: ~/.profile. Execute nano ~/.profile and put strings from the previous step in the end of the file:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

export GOPATH=$HOME/go

export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin


After that execute: source ~/.profile

2) Build Kava:

Go to the folder cd ~/go/src/


git clone

cd kava

git checkout tags/v0.3.1

make install

If everything went as it should in the folder ~/go/bin appeared - kvd and - kvcli packets

3) Delegate KAVA tokens

In the following instruction all commands were sent from a network node in testnet and chain id and validator address values on screenshots differ from the mainnet values. The actual values provided below.

To make actions further you should have:

  • Kava account
  • Active node (if you don't have you can use our node)

Make sure that account exists and has a positive balance:

kvcli keys list

kvcli keys show <your_key_name>

kvcli query account <your_address> --chain-id kava-2

For assistance with command parameters you can execute kvcli tx staking delegate --help

Important note, delegation amount nominated in uKAVA. For instance, if you want to stake 100 KAVA you should enter 100000000 in the amount field. Read this chapter in full before choosing the command for your case.

P2P Validator address: kavavaloper12g40q2parn5z9ewh5xpltmayv6y0q3zs6ddmdg

Chain ID: kava-2

If you have connection to the node, for delegation execute:

kvcli tx staking delegate kavavaloper12g40q2parn5z9ewh5xpltmayv6y0q3zs6ddmdg <amount of KAVA you want to stake>ukava --from <address> --chain-id kava-2

If you don't have connection to the node you can use ours. Execute:

kvcli tx staking delegate kavavaloper12g40q2parn5z9ewh5xpltmayv6y0q3zs6ddmdg <amount of KAVA you want to stake>ukava --from <address> --chain-id kava-2 --node tcp://

If you used ledger to generate keys add --ledger in the end of command. Execute:

kvcli tx staking delegate kavavaloper12g40q2parn5z9ewh5xpltmayv6y0q3zs6ddmdg <amount of KAVA you want to stake>ukava --from <address> --chain-id kava-2 --node tcp:// --ledger

Below is an example of the output you should get after successful delegation.

If you have any questions or different operational system contact us at or schedule a personal call with our development team to guide you through the whole process.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We are always open for communication.

P2P Validator offers high-quality staking facilities and provides up to date information for educational purposes. Stay tuned for updates and new blog posts.


Stake KAVA with us:

Twitter: @p2pvalidator
